09 April 2009

Back into Reality

So, Hello to all!!!

I am in Logan, UT with my three kids and husband Wayne of 6 1/2 years. Julia is 5, Carolyn is 2 and Andrew is 1. We are kind of in an inbetween spot right now, sort of the same as we have been in for the past 6 years... We are attempting to get a home on an Auction next month and are hoping and praying hard that all works out with that. The place that we are currently living in has only one bedroom. Yes, you heard me right, 1 bedroom. It is a very large room. about 20' by 15'. We put a curtain across the middle of the room with the kids on one side and us on the other. There is plenty of room, but the curtain is a bit thin, and the kids kinda wake each other up. How did the early Americans do it - all sleeping in the same room? It is a bit hard. We have figured out that puting Andrew to sleep for night time in the 'dining room' in his portacrib helps. We then are all able to sleep about an hour longer in the morning. Maybe it is because everyone is waiting for the others to wake up... I don't know why it works, but it does. That must have been some sort of inspiration!!! :)

So, the reason I chose the background that I did is because the area that we are in is all mountains. We are in the middle of the Rockys. It is GEORGOUS!!! It is great to be so close to nature and to the open air. I love this area. I think that it is my second favorite place. The first would be anywhere near the open water. Earlier today there was a show on TV that was featuring haunted lighthouses. I enjoyed the show just for the water. There is nothing like seeing the water crash up against the shore. Sometimes it is very angry and other times it is slow and just very relaxing. I sometimes yearn for the time in my life to just be able to get away enough to be able to listen to myself think. Being able to listen to the water and possibly be able to fall asleep next to it would be so neat!!!